Commission Funding for Measuring Sex-Based Outcomes in California, 2020-22

Description: The State of California is spending in excess of $12,000,000 in funding the Commission on the Status of Women and Girls for the two fiscal years from 2020 through 2022, and does not have a Commission on the Status of Boys and Men.

Geography: State of California, United States

Graph and Data Downloads:
BAMIndex ID: MN00001
Contributor Name/Organization: Global Initiative for Boys and Men (GIBM)
Archived PDF of original data source: MN00001-datasource.pdf
Keywords: Commission on the Status of Women and Girls, Commission on the Status of Boys and Men, California, Budget
Additional info: California has 25 state, county, and city commissions on the status of women and girls, and NONE on the status of boys and men.
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