Categories >> Male Narrative in the Public Discourse >> Educational Institutions
Ohio State Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Staff by Gender 2021

Description: This chart shows the percentage of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) by Gender at The Ohio State University in 2021, with 68% of employees being female to 32% male. OSU is spending over $13.4 million on DEI staff in 2021-22.
Geography: State of Ohio, United States
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BAMIndex ID:
Contributor Name/Organization:
Mark Perry, American Enterprise Institute (AEI)
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Tweet: The metastasizing "Diversity, Inclusion & Equity" (DIE) bureaucracy at @OhioState
Archived PDF of original data source:
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion; The Ohio State University; Salary; Gender
Additional info:
Original information came from Prof. Mark Perry of the American Enterprise Institute and was disaggregated by sex by GIBM staff.
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